Welcome to MEGA Mentoring

We help children of visionary parents develop their ideal high performing child before high school without wasting money, effort and arguing with my parent approved MEGA Mentoring Framework

Meet Some of Our MEGA Members and Hear What They Have To Say...

In this session, our students are introducing themselves and sharing how well the Framework has benefited them.

Many of our students have overcome some major challenges that you would have to witness it to believe it.

But it's our approach and parental involvement that makes the difference.

After all they are our future, and they too have a future.

Since 1997, I've been passionate about helping parents with their children to become high performers

without arguing or destroying the atmosphere and/or the environment of the home.

And today I'm going to share with you something that is top secret.

The only way you can get your child to be a high performer is through our framework that we developed that matches the way your child learns and grows.

It doesn't matter if your child doesn't show any sign of high performance.

Unless you have a process that helps your child become a high performer. Basically, you're drowning them in a sea of failures, and I can guarantee that you're putting your child in a very bad position, missing the boat to success in their life.


You See, I am a Coach/Mentor...

I help parents understand their child's development process and refine their learning in ways that they can become High Performers.

Every parent and family that we work with is happy to see that their child has gone from average and ordinary to excellent and a high performer as soon as they work with our mentors.

Every family that we work with are making at least 1 out of the 4 crucial errors. Once we address any one or all of these errors, you will see a tremendous change in your child becoming a high performer without you needing to ...

👉Lose Your Peace

👉Waste Money

👉Arguing with Your Spouse

👉Giving Up

👉Wishing It Would Be Different

Would you like help?

Helping you with your child to become a high performer,

while stressing less, arguing less and understanding each other better?

MEGA Mentoring Framework...


Life Skills

It is good to live life based on principles and patterns. Anytime you find yourself living based on emotions or feelings,

you know that there's room for growth.

One of the indicators of maturity is living on principles and patterns. The immature always wants to feel good before they do something, kind of like motivation. The need to fill up their "gas tank" before they can get moving. Motivation is excellent and essential to have but it's not the engine that moves you towards a powerful life. We believe that living life on principles and patterns while using life skills.

Life skills help you to live life two ways, when you feel like it and when you don't. The MEGA framework uses certain life skills that will enable a child to recognize patterns that will keep them moving with power, motivation, energy and enthusiasm.


Core Values

Each child is taught to internalize the core values that will help them to become high performers without interruption in their daily living.

These core values will ensure powerful choice making that will affirm their leadership capacity and alignment to their destiny, providing a platform for them in this world to become successful and productive citizens who are happy and live the joys of life


Healthy and Fit

We teach and instill the values of being fit and healthy in all our students. Each student will understand the difference between physically fit, emotionally fit, mentally fit, and spiritually fit.

As the family continues to make the connection towards a lifestyle of healthy eating and behavior by facilitating for them and the parents to create an environment in the home, still enjoying the foods that a child loves. Day by day improving the decision-making skills based on the quality of life that they want to lead.


Mindset and Affirmation

We teach our students to develop a mindset that they have the belief that anything, their capacity or abilities can be improved, developed, and sustained with effort.

It is process over results, over behaviors, over outcomes. It is perseverance despite setbacks, learning from failures and mistakes in life. It is a work in progress.

We use every effort and victory to affirm their superpowers. To build on and develop their innate abilities to continue moving forward with power in their life while understanding the difference between authority and empowerment. Thereby, having them understand that the parents are the authority, even though they are empowered for certain things but without the authority of the parent, they are out of alignment.



Every student that comes in will begin to see themselves improving their identity or realizing their identity of who they are and why they're here.

This will then align to a personal vision. Identity is very powerful, because it will give them confidence and a healthy self-esteem. It will empower them to have the courage to make powerful choices. Choices to better themselves, their family, their environment and community are large.



We're all familiar with the saying, "without vision we perish".

We believe that to be 100% True.

Our students will build their personal vision while in the MEGA Mentoring Program. Their vision will align with their core values and identity. This will give them a renewed and fresh look at their life, giving them direction, speed and great desire to fulfill their personal vision, therefore, leading them to live out their destiny



Here at MEGA Mentoring, the framework uses several tools to develop the student's leadership in the areas of communication, discipline, confidence, belief and martial arts.

We believe that this vehicle is an excellent way to instill leadership qualities in our students. This will develop their capacity to handle everything they're meant to in life at this stage of their life. They will have a new frame of reference when it comes to living life and a desire to collaborate to become a healthy, powerful member of the family unit.

Meet Miss Jaanvi and her Parents...

Meet Mr. Alex and his Parents...

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